Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament (archive)

Yaw symbolizes the Trinity.Introduction



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19980407: His Holiness, Mar Kh'nanya Dinkha IV

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have made possible this online edition of the Peshitta New Testament in Aramaic/English Interlinear format. First and foremost I would like to thank my parents, Shimon and Mary Younan, for instilling the love of Aramaic in me at an early age. To Qashisha (Elder) Charles H. Klutz, my mentor in the Faith, thank you for all your support throughout the good and the bad. To His Holiness, Mar Khananya Dinkha IV, Catholicos Patriarch of the Church of the East, and 120th successor to the apostolic throne of St. Peter in Seleucia-Ctestiphon, Babylon, I dedicate this translation. And many thanks go to Rabbi Esther Namato, my Aramaic teacher at Mar Gewargis Church in Chicago. Last but not least - many thanks to my wife, Donna, for all her support and understanding.

Indeed, this project is on-going and will take several years to complete. My purpose in creating an Interlinear version of the Peshitta New Testament is to:

Conventions used in this translation

Aramaic, like its direct Semitic descendants Hebrew and Arabic, is written from right to left. A study of the Aramaic alphabet and language is required to utilize this work effectively. The closest English equivalent is written above the corresponding Aramaic word. Words are also added to the English translation which have no corresponding Aramaic word, but are required for sense in English. Such words are enclosed in square brackets [ ]. Words in Aramaic which would be superfluous or redundant in English are translated, but they are enclosed in angle brackets < >. When two or more Aramaic words are translated by one English word or phrase, the English translation is underlined. The words of Mshikha (the Messiah) appear in red.

Ease in using the Interlinear text should come with practice. I pray that using this text will help you in coming to a more full understanding of God's Word.

Jeremiah 15:16:

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts."

Disclaimer: This translation is not sanctioned by the Church of the East. This is a personal translation only, and all readers are encouraged to verify the work on their own. This translation has not been edited nor verified by anyone other than the author (who does not have official sanction for this work) and is likely to have numerous errors.


Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament. Any part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without any prior permission.

"Freely you have received, freely give" Mattai 10:8