Medicare Savings Program (MSP)

The Medicare Savings Program (MSP) is a Medicaid-administered program that can assist people with limited income in paying for their Medicare premiums. Depending on your income, the MSP may also pay for other cost-sharing expenses. When you enroll in an MSP, you will also automatically get Extra Help, the federal program that helps pay most of your Medicare prescription drug (Part D) plan costs. There is no resource test for the MSP programs. This means many Medicare beneficiaries who may not qualify for Medicaid because of excess resources can qualify for an MSP.

There are two benefit levels. Each has a different income eligibility limit.

All two programs pay for the Part B Medicare Premium. If qualified, you will no longer have this premium amount deducted from your Social Security benefit.

Medicaid Savings Program recipients may also be interested in information related to Continuing The Medicaid Eligibility Modernization. This page is dedicated to the ongoing modernization of New York's Medicaid eligibility and enrollment system within NY State of Health. This resource provides information on the modernization effort for Medicaid enrollees who receive their Medicaid coverage through local departments of social services (LDSS).

Income Limit Information and Program Application

To receive help paying for your Medicare costs download and complete the MSP Application. Income Limit information is also included at the link below.