Current Land Use Cases

This report provides information about upcoming projects to be reviewed by the County’s Development Review Team (DRT). This team is comprised of county staff and outside agencies. Development proposals for major projects in unincorporated Adams County often come through the DRT for an initial review before formal submittal. Development Review Team Summary

Scheduled Land Use Cases

Below you will find a report of scheduled land use cases that require one or more public hearings before the Board of Adjustment, Planning Commission, or Board of County Commissioners. The report also includes a list of recent decisions on land use cases. Report of scheduled public hearings and recent decisions For more information about any of these cases, please feel free to contact the listed case manager.

Board of Adjustment Cases

To view case information click on the Request for Comments and Public Hearing Notice associated with the current case below.

  1. Variance to allow a structure coverage of 29% in the Agricultural‐1 zone district where 12.5% is required;
  2. Variance to allow an accessory structure to be built in line with the front structure line of the principal dwelling in the Agricultural‐1 zone district where 10' to the rear of the front structure line of the principal dwelling is required;
  3. Variance to allow an accessory building to be built at a 3' side setback in the Agricultural‐1 zone district where 10' is required;
  4. Variance to allow an accessory building to be built at a 3' rear setback in the Agricultural‐1 zone district where 10' is required. The site is zoned Agricultural‐1 and within the Mineral Conservation Overlay District.

PRA2024-00002 Domenico Elizabeth Accessory Structure Variances

Case Manager: Lia Campbell e-mailg

  1. Variance from the maximum allowed lot coverage of 12.5% to allow 21% lot coverage;
  2. Variance from the right-of-way setback requirement to allow an accessory structure to be 5 feet
    where 50 feet is required;
  3. Variance from the side setback requirement to allow an accessory structure to be 5 feet from the side property line.

PRA2024-00004 Transwest Canopy Variances

Case Manager: Greg Barnes e-mail

  1. Variance to allow a structure to be located two (2) feet from a side corner property line where the minimum required setback is twenty-five (25) feet;
  2. Variance to allow a structure to be located two (2) feet from an arterial right-of-way and front property line where the minimum required is seventy-five (75) feet;
  3. Variance to allow a structure to be located two (2) feet from a side property line where the minimum required setback is five (5) feet; Variance to allow a structure to be located seven (7) feet from a rear property line where the minimum required setback is fifteen (15) feet. The site is designated with Industrial-2 zoning, and is affected by the Mineral Conservation Overlay District.

VSP2023-00040 QuikTrip at 7320 Pecos Street Sign Height Variance

Case Manager: David DeBoskey e-mail

  1. Variance request to allow a freestanding sign to be 70 feet in height within the Commercial-4 zone district, where the maximum height is 24 feet.

VSP2024-00017 Aberle Magnolia Setback Variance

Case Manager: Lia Campbell e-mail

  1. Variance to allow an accessory structure to be located 10 feet from a side property line where a minimum side setback of 20 feet is required within the Residential Estate zone district.

VSP2024-00018 Quintana Hernandez Brighton Setback Variance

Case Manager: Greg Barnes e-mail

  1. Variance to allow a side setback to be 4 feet where 10 feet is required. The property is zoned Agricultural-3 and is impacted by the Mineral and Natural Resources Conservation Overlays.

VSP2024-00021 Boese Barn Setback Variance

Case Manager: David Wright e-mail

  1. Variance to allow an accessory structure within 79 feet of a front property line, where a minimum setback of 100 feet is required within the Agricultural-1 zone district.

VSP2024-00023 Muñoz Sundown Fence Variance

Case Manager: David Wright e-mail

  1. Variance to allow a 6-foot tall screen fence where the maximum allowed height is 42
    inches. The property is zoned Residential-1-C.

VSP2024-00024 Bunker-Maez Variance at 14620 Colorado Blvd.

Case Manager: David Wright e-mail

  1. Variance to allow an accessory structure to be located twenty (20) feet from a front/arterial right-of-way property line where the minimum required setback for a front property line is one-hundred (100) feet and the minimum required setback from an arterial right-of-way is fifty (50) feet. The site is within the Agricultural-1 zone district.

VSP2024-00027 55th Street T&T Bar Parking Variance

Case Manager: David DeBoskey e-mail

  1. Request to reduce the required number of parking spaces for a nightclub use from 81 spaces to 56 spaces. The site is zoned Industrial-1 and is affected by the Flammable Gas Overlay and the Mineral Conservation Overlay.

VSP2024-00028 Tacos Y Tortas La Preferida Food truck Special Use Permit

Case Manager: Cody Spaid e-mail

  1. Special use permit to allow a food truck to be parked on the property for a period not to exceed five years. The site is zoned Industrial-1.

VSP2024-00029 Pacheco Edison ADU Setback Variance

Case Manager: David Wright e-mail

  1. Variance to allow an accessory dwelling unit to have a front setback equal to the principal dwelling setback. Section 4-03-03-02-01-5H of the Adams County Development Standards requires accessory dwelling units be setback 10 feet behind the front structure line of the principal dwelling.

VSP2024-00035 Rodriguez Pecos Fence Height Variance

Case Manager: Cody Spaid e-mail

  1. Variance to allow a six foot tall screen fence where the maximum height allowed is 42 inches on a residentially used property.

VSP2024-00038 Elmwood Baptist Church Sign Height Variance

Case Manager: Brayan Marin e-mail

  1. Variance to allow a freestanding sign to be 18 feet in height, where a maximum height of 12 feet is required within the Agricultural-2 zone district. The site is affected by the Natural Resources Conservation Overlay.

VSP2024-00039 Riedel Florence Inert Fill Special Use Permit

Case Manager: Lia Campbell e-mail

  1. Special Use Permit to allow the import of 1,000 cubic yards of inert fill material over a one year period on a 2.7 acre property. The site is designated with Agricultural-1 zoning.

Planning Commission & Board of County Commissioners Cases

To view case information click on the Request for Comments and Public Hearing Notice associated with the current cases below.

EXG2024-00002 Conservation Services, Inc. Bennett Facility

Case Manager: Nick Eagleson e-mail

  1. Certificate of Designation to continue an existing asbestos and non-hazardous liquid solidification and disposal facility use within the Agricultural-3 zone district. Portions of the site are affected by the Airport Height Overlay.

PLN2024-00004 Accessory Commercial Vehicle Parking and Storage Text Amendment

Case Manager: Ella Gleason e-mail

  1. An amendment to the Adams County Development Standards and Regulations to amend the
    accessory commercial vehicle parking and storage regulations.

PLN2024-00005 Fox Brighton Comprehensive Plan Amendment

Case Manager: Ella Gleason e-mail

  1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation from Mixed Use to
    Industrial Medium.

PLT2022-00056 Todd Creek Village Minor Subdivision

Case Manager: Nick Eagleson e-mail

  1. Minor Subdivision Final Plat to create 1 lot of 1.6 acres in a Planned Unit Development zone district.

PLT2023-00012 5200 Sheridan Minor Subdivision

Case Manager: Brayan Marin e-mail

  1. Minor Subdivision Final Plat to create 4 lots on approximately 7 acres within the Commercial-4 zone district.

PLT2023-00028 Lefor Subdivision Final Plat

Case Manager: Cody Spaid e-mail

  1. Major subdivision final plat to create three lots on approximately 65 acres in the Agricultural-2 zone district.

PLT2023-00034 Grasslands at Comanche, Filing 5 Final Plat

Case Manager: Lia Campbell e-mail

  1. Major Subdivision Final Plat to create 19 residential lots within the Grasslands at Comanche Planned Unit Development.

PLT2023-00035 Grasslands at Comanche, Filing 6 Final Plat

Case Manager: Lia Campbell e-mail

  1. Major Subdivision Final Plat to create 15 residential lots within the Grasslands at Comanche Planned Unit Development.

PLT2023-00038 Allart Subdivision, Amendment 1

Case Manager: Lia Campbell e-mail

  1. Subdivision Replat to reconfigure three previously platted lots in the Agricultural-1 zone district with Natural Resources Conservation Overlay.

PLT2023-00046 Hardin Subdivision Final Plat

Case Manager: Greg Barnes e-mail

  1. Final Plat for major subdivision to create 34 lots and 4 tracts in the Residential-2 zone district.

PLT2023-00055 Country Club Ranchettes, Filing 1, Amendment 1

Case Manager: Greg Barnes e-mail

  1. Subdivision Replat to amend the original major subdivision creating 56 lots to replat creating
    60 total (4 new) lots.

PLT2023-00056 Berkeley Center Subdivision

Case Manager: David Deboskey e-mail

  1. Final Plat for minor subdivision to create four lots in the Commercial-5, Industrial-1, Industrial-2 zone districts. The Mineral Conservation Overlay and Natural Resources Conservation Overlay Districts also affect portions of the subdivision boundaries.

PLT2024-00006 Wolf Creek Run West, Filling 3 Preliminary Plat

Case Manager: Greg Barnes e-mail

  1. Preliminary Plat for major subdivision to create 40 lots on 14.4 acres within the Wolf Creek Run West PUD.

PLT2024-00007 Wolf Creek Run West, Filing 2B Final Plat

Case Manager: Greg Barnes e-mail

  1. Major Subdivision Final Plat to create 78 lots on 54 acres within the Wolf Creek Run West PUD.

PLT2024-00012 Petco Dahlia Subdivision

Case Manager: David Deboskey e-mail

  1. Minor Subdivision Final Plat to combine two lots on 2 acres in the Industrial-1 and
    Industrial-2 zone districts.

PLT2024-00015 Golden Fields Subdivision, Filing 1 Preliminary Plat

Case Manager: Lia Campbell e-mail

  1. Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat to create 6 lots and 1 tract on 38 acres within the Agricultural-1 zone district.

PLT2024-00017 Elmwood North, Filing No. 1 Minor Subdivision Final Plat

Case Manager: Nick Eagleson e-mail

  1. Minor Subdivision final plat to create two lots within the Sherrelwood Village/Elmwood North Planned Unit Development.

PLT2024-00018 Grove Street Major Subdivision Final Plat

Case Manager: Brayan Marin e-mail

  1. Major Subdivision Final Plat to create 8 lots from the existing 3 parcels within the Residential-2 zone district.

PRC2020-00003 5200 Wyandot

Case Manager: Brayan Marin e-mail

  1. Minor Subdivision to create three additional parcels
  2. Rezone request from R-1-C to R-3.

PRC2021-00010 Thompson Properties

Case Manager: Nick Eagleson e-mail

  1. Request to rezone approx. 7 acres from A-1, Agriculture to R-E, Residential Estate;
  2. Minor Subdivision final plat to create four total lots.

PRC2022-00008 Raritan Estates Redevelopment

Case Manager:Brayan Marin e-mail

  1. Rezone from Residential-1-C (R-1-C) to Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.),
  2. Planned Unit Development- Preliminary Development Plan,
  3. Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat to create 16 lots and 7 tracts from the existing 7 lots and Raritan Street ROW,
  4. Right-of Way vacation for a portion of Raritan Way,
  5. Waiver from the Subdivision Design Standards to allow for private roadways within the development (Section 5-03-03-10), and
  6. Waiver from the Subdivision Design Standards to allow for new residences within a new subdivision to be closer than 30 feet from the common property line with adjacent residential uses (Section 5-03-02-02-01).

PRC2022-00010 DTI Trucks at 8100 Steele St.

Case Manager: Brayan Martin e-mail

  1. A Rezone from agricultural-3 (A-3) to Industrial-2 (I-2) and a rezone request to industrial-2 (I-2) on a property that was deannexed by the City of Thornton.
  2. A minor subdivision final plat to combine 5 lots into one 8.7 acre site.

PRC2023-00014 Mendoza York Street Subdivision and Rezone

Case Manager: Cody Spaid e-mail

  1. Zoning map amendment (rezone) to change the zone district designation to Industrial-1 from Agricultural-1 on 7.1 acres;
  2. Minor subdivision final plat to create four lots on 7.1 acres.

PRC2023-00017 Mendoza East Lake Subdivision & Rezone

Case Manager: Brayan Marin e-mail

  1. Minor subdivision final plat to create four lots on approximately 12 acres;
  2. Zoning Map Amendment (rezoning) to Residential-1-C from Agricultural-1 on 11,200 square feet;
  3. Zoning Map Amendment (rezoning) to Industrial-1 from Agricultural-1 on 3.1 acres;
  4. Zoning Map Amendment (rezoning) to Residential-1-C from Agricultural-1 on 2.3 acres.

PRC2023-00019 7-Eleven at 6950 Broadway

Case Manager: Nick Eagleson e-mail

  1. Minor Subdivision (Final Plat) to combine two lots and create two lots within the same subdivision on approximately 3.3 acres;
  2. Zoning map amendment (rezoning) to change the zone district designation of approximately 2.9 acres to Commercial-5 from Industrial-1.

PRC2023-00020 Todd Creek Preliminary Development Plan Amendment and Rezoning

Case Manager: Greg Barnes e-mail

  1. Major Amendment to the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) for Todd Creek Planned Unit Development (PUD)
  2. Rezoning to change the zone district designation of 79 acres to Planned Unit Development (PUD) from Agriculture-3 (A-3). Parcel Number: 0157104200001
  3. Rezoning to change the zone district designation of 8 acres to Planned Unit Development (PUD) from Agriculture-1 (A-1). Parcel Number: 0157104000020
  4. Preliminary Plat for Major Subdivision to create approximately 416 lots and 14 tracts
    on approximately 208 acres