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Find arrest records in Nebraska

Nebraska Arrest Records and Warrant Search

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What are arrest records and arrest warrants?

Arrest records from Nebraska are information collected in connection with criminal matters that have been initiated in the state. This data is not just kept by the local police that make arrests, the judicial agency that has issued active warrants in the name of an accused and the office of the county clerk but also by a central agency in charge of maintaining a database of crime history. Under the Revised Statutes of NE, this authority has been granted to the State Patrol, which has established a separate division for Criminal identification.

It is the responsibility of this agency to supervise the collection of crime history data from all justice ad law enforcement agencies across Nebraska and to handle the dissemination of this information among members of the community and other justice networks. Typically, arrest records from NE will include details such as:

Under the Freedom of Information Act of the state, civilian applicants are allowed access to their personal background reports as well as third party information. Multiple agencies within the state can be contacted for a warrant search including sheriffs’ departments, county clerk’s offices and courts of the magistrate.

Arrest warrants from Nebraska

“Active warrants” is a term generally used to indicate an order that has been issued by the state judiciary against an accused. Because active warrants are only issued in criminal matters, these orders have to be handled by tribunals that have jurisdiction to hear such cases. Usually, the court of the magistrate will handle the issue of arrest warrants; however, the circuit or district tribunals also have the authority to issue such directives.

Warrants for detention are issued in two scenarios; when an affiant files a complaint with the local tribunal which leads to a preliminary examination or after the return of an indictment. In case of the former, the cops have to go to court with a probable cause affidavit and the magistrate decides if the evidence they have collected is enough to establish probable cause.

In case of an indictment, the grand jury decides on probable cause. The prosecution presents its case in front of the jurors at this point but defense is not invited to the proceedings. If the defendant has not already been arrested at this point, the grand jury returns the indictment at which point the magistrate issues an arrest warrant.

Nebraska arrest warrants are directed at police officers from all parts of the state. Also, because information on all outstanding warrants is sent to the FBI, these orders can be served by law enforcement agents who are connected to justice agencies outside the state as well. Furthermore, these directives are not restricted by time or geography, so cops can pursue a person with a warrant to his name inside any property and at any time of the day or night.

How do I search for Nebraska arrest records and warrants?

To find Nebraska arrest records and outstanding warrants, you can get in touch with the state judiciary. The Trial Court Case System is an online network that connects the court dockets databases of all legal districts in Nebraska. Except for Douglas County, the entire state is covered by this system and it is accessible to civilians.

You can initiate an inquiry into criminal or civil cases for $15 per search; alternatively, it is also possible to subscribe to their monthly membership which allows multiple inquiries for 30 days. For conducting a warrant search through this approach, you can use the name of the defendant or case number. To use the system, go to or you could contact the administrative office of the judiciary at: 1445 K Street 1213 State CapitolP. O. Box 98910Lincoln, NE 68509.

For Douglas County arrest records, you can use the local public access network or connect with the county clerk at 1701 Farnam, Omaha, NE 68183.

Nebraska crime statistics

The annual crime average of Nebraska is around 67,000 cases. This is a cumulative figure that includes instances of violent as well as property crimes. The latter takes the lead with approximately 61,000 complaints attributed to robberies, thefts, burglaries and other incidents in this crime category.

In contrast, violent crimes only account for about 5500 cases per year. Of these, the maximum number of complaints can be attributed to assaults at nearly 4000 cases per annum. Homicide has the lowest occurrence rate at just 5 instances.