Linkage Projects
The Linkage Project (LP) scheme supports projects which initiate or develop long-term strategic research alliances to apply advanced knowledge to problems, acquire new knowledge, and provide a basis for securing commercial and other benefits of research.
The scheme aims to:
- support internationally competitive research projects and teams on challenges or opportunities of relevance to research end-users;
- foster the establishment and strengthening of research alliances between higher education organisations and research end-users; and
- enhance the scale and focus of research, including in Australian Government priority areas.
While applications are open continuously, Linkage Project applications made in 2024 will be assessed in two rounds. The first round has now closed. The relevant dates for the second are listed on the Grants Calendar on the ARC website and under Critical Dates at the top of this page.
Draft applications will carry over in the ARC's Research Management System (RMS) between rounds (ie, an application started but not submitted for assessment during Round 1 can be submitted in Round 2).
The scheme provides a minimum of $50,000 and a maximum of $300,000 of funding for each year of the project. Projects can be 2 to 5 years long. The amount requested from the ARC must be at least matched by the cash and in-kind support provided by partner organisations. The cash component of this support must be at least 25 per cent of the funding requested from the ARC. For more information, see Sections 4.3(c,d) and 4.9 of the Grant Guidelines.
Selection criteria
The selection criteria and their weightings are as follows:
- Project quality and innovation: 30%
- Impact: 20%
- Investigator(s’) capability and quality of team: 20%
- Strength of the proposed research alliance: 30%
To be eligible to be a Chief Investigator (CI) on a Linkage Project applied for in 2024, you must at the grant commencement date (and, if successful, for the whole project activity period):
- be an employee for at least 0.2 FTE (full-time equivalent) at an Eligible Organisation,
- be a holder of an honorary academic appointment (as defined below) at an Eligible Organisation.
For eligibility purposes, honorary academic appointment means any unpaid position with full academic status. You must have access to research support comparable to employees, eg an emeritus appointment. You are not eligible to be a CI using your honorary academic appointment if you are also employed by another organisation at 0.2 FTE or more.
All honorary appointments must be certified by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) (DVC-R) or equivalent before application
If you wish to apply as a CI and you believe you have an honorary appointment that satisfies this definition, please contact as soon as possible to arrange certification.
Active project assessment date
The active project assessment date for Linkage Projects applied for in Round 2 2024 is 1 January 2026.
You should review the limits on the number of possible projects and applications in Section 4.23-25 of the Grant Guidelines.
Research outputs
Research outputs must first be added to your RMS profile before they can be selected for inclusion on an application. To keep bibliographical data organised, we recommend exporting research outputs from Elements as a BibTeX file and then importing this file into RMS. For help with this process or with Elements, please contact your faculty research office or
Further resources to assist with managing research outputs are available below.
Request not to assess
If you have a conflict of interest with a researcher from an external institution, it is possible to request that they not be considered as a detailed assessor for your application. More details can be found on the ARC Request Not to Assess webpage.
How to apply
1. Submit a Notice of Intent
2. Update RMS profile
3. Review documentation
4. Complete the application
5. Reach out if you encounter issues
6. Upload National Interest Test Statement to RMS
7. Submit your application to RIC for review
Email RIC ( before 21 August (for Round 2) to request a review of your application. Attach a complete draft application downloaded from RMS as a pdf. A review-ready draft application should include the following:
8. Complete the application
9. Submit the UOM Authority to Submit form
- A complete compliance and eligibility section
- The signature of the Head of Department for each CI
- The signature of the DVC-R or CEO (or delegate thereof) for all Participating Organisations
Electronic signatures are permitted.
This is an ARC requirement. Your application cannot be submitted to ARC until we receive your Authority to Submit form.
10. Submit to research office
- Email RIC ( a pdf copy of the final application and a signed copy of your Authority to Submit form
- Click ‘Submit to Research Office’ in RMS.
11. RIC will submit the application
Supporting documents
ARC Documents and Resources
The ARC has made some minor changes to the grant guidelines since the first round of 2024. They have provided a summary of these changes.
- ARC Linkage Projects website
- ARC College of Experts
- ARC Medical Research Policy
- LP24 Draft Grant Agreement
- LP24 Linkage Projects Grant Guideline
- LP24 Frequently Asked Questions
- LP24 Instructions to Applicants
- LP24 Letter of Partner Organisation Certification
- LP24 Sample Application Form
- RMS User Guide - Requesting and Maintaining an RMS Account Jun 2022 (Version 3)
- RMS User Guide - Submitting an Application in RMS Jan 2024 (Version 4)
- RMS User Guide - Submitting a Request Not to Assess Aug 2021 (Version 3)
- Summary of changes to Grant Guidelines 2023-2024
RIC Documents and Resources
(UoM login required)
- Register an NOI (Notice of Intent)
- UoM Grants Library of Successful Applications
- LP24 Research Load Template (Part B3)
- LP24 RIC Applicant Guide
- LP24 Authority to Submit form
- LP24 Salary Scales and Budget Preparation Spreadsheet
- Partner Investigators information booklet – Include sample letter, RMS details, scheme information
- Linkage Projects Factsheet - Pre Award
- Linkage Agreements Factsheet - Post Award
- 2024 ARC College of Experts Members - FOR division 23 Jan 2024
Research Outputs
- RMS User Guide - Research Outputs Sep 2021 (Version 6)
- UoM Research Outputs and the ARC (see step-by-step instructions and video)
- UoM Manage your research outputs
- UoM Research Impact Library Advisory Service (RILAS)
Recordings of past seminars (UoM login required)
- ARC Rejoinders website
- ARC Rejoinder Assessment Review Request form
- RMS User Guide - Submitting a Rejoinder Aug 2021 (Version 4)
- UoM Rejoinder factsheet 01 Mar 2022
Note on rejoinders: Assessor comments should only address the assessment criteria: project quality and innovation, investigator(s’) capability and quality of team, strength of the proposed research alliance, and impact. Assessors should not comment on eligibility and compliance. If your assessment contains inappropriate elements, you can appeal it by contacting RIC or your faculty within 3 working days of the opening of the rejoinder period and completing an ARC Assessment Review Request form.
You should not contact the ARC directly. Always speak to your faculty or RIC first.
Key contacts
Hugo Branley | +61 3 8344 9104 |
Leah Sullivan | +61 3 8344 2012 |
Carrie Liang | +61 3 8344 0440 |
Research Funding
- Researcher Development Schemes
- Accepting and managing internal grants and fellowships
- Australia–Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme (UA–DAAD)
- Bonn-Melbourne Research Excellence Fund
- Dyason Fellowships
- Early Career Researcher Grant
- Establishment Grants for ARC DECRAs
- UoM Establishment Grant and Support Letter for ARC Future Fellowships Applications
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem – University of Melbourne: Call for Joint PhD Projects
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem – University of Melbourne: Joint Research Workshop Grants Program
- McCoy Seed Fund Projects
- 2017 McCoy Seed Fund Projects
- 2016 McCoy Seed Fund Projects
- 2015 McCoy Seed Fund Projects
- 2014 McCoy Seed Fund Projects
- U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
- Current Funding Opportunities
- EMCR Workshop Series: Accessing MRFF Funding
- EMCR Workshop Series FAQs
- Victorian Future Industries Fund
- CRC Program - Cooperative Research Centres
- Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-Ps)
- CRC for Developing Northern Australia Project Funding Round
- Victorian Future Industries Fund
- National Environmental Science Program
- ARC Special Research Initiatives
- Modern Manufacturing Initiative - Manufacturing Translation
- Modern Manufacturing Initiative - Manufacturing Integration
- Modern Manufacturing Initiative - Manufacturing Collaboration
- Current Students
- Library
- Staff